Yogiram suratkumar Ashram - Tiruvannamalai
Shri Yogiram SurathKumar was also well known among his devotees as Visiri Samiyar especially with his followers from Tamil Nadu. Though he was born at a village near Kashi, he spent his spiritual life at Tiruvannamalai, the abode of Lord Arunachalaeswar. Shri Yogiram hails from a traditionally religious family. From his early child hood he was spiritually inclined and was attracted towards the Saints and Yogis living near the banks of river Ganges. He was born in the year 1918 on the first day in the month of December. His birth place was a small village lying near the banks of the river Ganges. People around child yogiram noticed in him a strong urge to seek god in various forms. And as he grew he had an inclination to pursue god and follow in the spiritual path of life. To achieve this goal he was eager to become a disciple of some saints, swamijis and yogis. He used to sit along with the meditating sadhus at the ganga river banks and engage himself in Nama Japam. This continued every day and Yogiram became too involved in his religious activities. In the process became good friends with all the sadhus and saints. He learnt from them all the spiritual teachings over the years. Seeing his enthusiasm to learn the Swamijis were keen to teach him without hesitation. Shri Yogiram wanted to travel far and wide in order to become a disciple of some great swamijis. Hence in the year 1947 he started on a reli gious mission towards the south. He initially was very keen to visit Shri Aurobindo Ghose at his Ashram. As per his aspirations he reached the ashram of Shri Aurobindo Ghose. Under his advice and guidance he was directed to meet Shri Ramana Maharishi at Tiruvannamalai.

There after Swami Yogiram after leaving the ashram of Aurobindo headed straight to the abode of Lord Arunachaleswarar in order to meet Shri Ramana Maharishi at his ashram. Her he met Shri Ramana maharishi Swamigal and took his blessings. Bagawan Ramana Maharishi blessed Shri Yogiram with the power of gnana. After this Shri Yogiram left to meet Shri Ramadas Swamigal who was residing at Kerala upon the advice given by Shri Ramana Maharishi. He arrived at Shri Ramdas Swamigal Ashram at Kerala and stayed there for sometime as his disciple. Here he involved himself fully in spiritual activities. After some days Shri Ramdas Swamigal blessed Shri Yogiram with the power of Bhakthi. He also initiated Shri Yogiram by uttering into his ears three times the holy mantra as follows, Om Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram. There after Visiri Samiyar or Shri Yogiram Surath Kumar swamigal continued his holy pilgrimage to other parts of South India. Finally Shri Yogiram Surath Kumar Swamigal returned to Tiruvannamalai, the holy abode of Lord Arunachaleswarar. He used to sit and meditate in various prominent places of Tiruvannamalai roads surrounding the temple. His favourite places where he did tapas were near the temple chariot, road corners of Tiruvannamalai nearer to Lord Arunachaleswarar temple prakharams. Later he started living in a very small rented house adjacent to the temple at Sannathi street Tiruvannamalai.
He had regular devotees visiting every day seeking his divine blessings. Since the place was insufficient to meet all his devotees, they suggested him to start his own Ashram in a bigger premise. On their support later he moved to Aghrahara Sholai to continue his divine services. This ashram is located on a four acres land that is within the limits of Tiruvannamalai town. Shri Yogiram attained siddhi at this ashram in the year 2001 peacefully, leaving behind his devotees in deep sorrow. Millions of followers came to bid a tearful farewell to this Shri Yogiram Swamigal alias Visiri Samiyar at his Ashram.

Yogiram Ashram Address & Contact Number: YogiRamsuratkumar Trust, Agraharakollai 1833/1 Chengam Road Tiruvannamalai-606003 Tel : + 91-4175-237567